flies by without my seeming to notice, the more that passes, the quicker it seems to accomplish it's disappearing act.
So much has happened of late, where to ever begin... going to try to make this semi-quick.
In August I moved to a new home, it is a huge house on 27 acres, three sides have a state park abutting them. The atmosphere is tranquil in it's seclusion.
With me, I brought Epona, Lyra, and Xandra. Next Tiska came to join my little herd, she is a breathtaking Hungarian warmblood, who sustain an injury years ago, however has been very successful as a broodmare. Next came Rhys, he is on a long term lease, he is an absolutely gorgeous Bay Curly stallion. Lastly came Star (who is Xandra's mom) and Zypher (who is Xandra's full brother), they belong to my brother, Ryan, and his girlfriend, Caryn. We are expecting four Curly foals next summer and I can hardly contain myself in anticipation of their arrival.
Almost immediately after finding this house I landed an incredible job training German Shepherds and some of their owners even, was a lot of fun. Sadly it was not all that it seemed, not all activity was ethical and some not even legal, so I had to leave, no amount of money is worth my soul.
I am now working very part time in a book store (dangerous place for me to be, I love books almost as much as I love horses!) and am working on training my rideable horses for a potential future career for them in equine facilitated programs. I am really enjoying my time to finally actually spend with my horses.
On a sad note Callie past on October 24, 2008. It was devastating for me, more than I think anyone really knows. To help deal with the grief I went out and got a German Shepherd puppy, Iris. In mythology Iris was the Goddess messenger between heaven and earth, she rides the rainbows for transport between. I thought with Callie having traveled the rainbow bridge, Iris was a fitting name for this little girl. She is such a joyous, happy puppy, very quick to learn and is doing her job in helping me come to terms with Callie's passing.
Once again, I will try to stay a bit more current with this blog. I apologize if things get a bit backed up. :-)